Analysis Tools

This repository lists static analysis tools for all programming languages, build tools, config files and more.
The official website, is based on this repository and adds rankings, user comments, and additional resources like videos for each tool.


What is Static Analysis?

Static program analysis is the analysis of computer software that is performed without actually executing programs — Wikipedia

The most important thing I have done as a programmer in recent years is to aggressively pursue static code analysis. Even more valuable than the hundreds of serious bugs I have prevented with it is the change in mindset about the way I view software reliability and code quality. — John Carmack (Creator of Doom)


This project would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors.

If you also want to support this project, head over to our Github sponsors page.

Meaning of Symbols:

Pull requests are very welcome!
Also check out the sister project, awesome-dynamic-analysis.

Table of Contents

Programming Languages

Show languages

Multiple languages


{% for (tag, _) in others %} - {{ }} {%- endfor %}

Programming Languages

{%- for (language, linters) in linters %}

{{ }}

{% for linter in linters -%} - {{ }}{% if linter.discussion.is_some() %} :information_source:{% endif %}{% if linter.deprecated.is_some() %} :warning:{% endif %}{% if linter.license == “proprietary” %} :copyright:{% endif %} - {{ linter.description }} {% endfor %}

{%- endfor %}

Multiple languages

{% for linter in multi -%} - {{ }}{% if linter.discussion.is_some() %} :information_source:{% endif %}{% if linter.deprecated.is_some() %} :warning:{% endif %}{% if linter.license == “proprietary” %} :copyright:{% endif %} - {{ linter.description }} {% endfor %}


{% for (tag, others) in others %}

{{ }}

{% for other in others -%} - {{ }}{% if other.discussion.is_some() %} :information_source:{% endif %}{% if other.deprecated.is_some() %} :warning:{% endif %}{% if other.license == “proprietary” %} :copyright:{% endif %} - {{ other.description }} {% endfor %}

{%- endfor %}

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To the extent possible under law, Matthias Endler has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. The underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT license.

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