Digital Tools for Citizen Science

Below is a curated list of awesome software and other resources to enable those who want to use scientific tools to empower communities and/or practice various forms of non-institutional science. It is largely inspired by this repository listing digital tools for activists. Feel free to share suggestions. If you add software to the list, free and open-source software is strongly encouraged over proprietary software.




Lab Equipment Software

Modeling and Computation

Publishing , Collaboration and Organization


Tools and Equipment

Biology and Chemistry

Environmental Science and Geology

3D Printing and Fabrication



Publishing and Doing Research


Citizen Science Theory

Citizen Science Spaces and Projects




Art and Science Spaces

Community-driven science labs tend to operate differently from conventional labs. Their member-led and curiosity-driven approach often produces work that breaks down conventional disciplines, such as bio-art. This section is for listing spaces that may or may not be conventional makerspaces but capture this spirit of interdisciplinarity. * Coalesce: Center for Biological Arts - A bioart studio-lab at SUNY Buffalo. * MIT Media Lab - An interdisciplinary art, science and technology research center that is part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * Interspecifics - A Mexico City-based collective working on projects at the intersection of art and science, especially related to biologically-generated sound. * Center for Science and the Imagination - A collaboration between artists and scientists at Arizona State University. * STEM to STEAM - An initiative out of Rhode Island School of Design to bring more art and design into STEM education. * The Waag Society - An institute for collaborative art, science and technology based in the Netherlands.

Funding and Support

Financial Resources

Other Types of Support

Conferences and Events

Other Resources

Questions and Knowledge Gaps

How do I contribute to this list?

Have an idea of a tool that should be on this list? Here’s how you can add it: * Familiar with GitHub? Send a pull request with your suggestions. Please also see the contribution guidelines. * Not familiar with GitHub? You can leave a comment on this page by clicking on the Issues tab on the right and adding a New Issue (that’s just like a comment). You’ll need to create a GitHub account first.


No copyright intended.


To the extent possible under law, Dylan Rees has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.