Urban & Regional Planning Resources Awesome

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This repository contains curated list of different urban & regional planning data & technology resources. Those interested in the built environement are invited to review and contribute to this repository.

Public Data Resources

Data resources that are publicly available for use. Licenses may apply.

Open Data Sites and national scale datasets should be near the top of each section.



Land Use

Resilience and Natural Hazards

Urban Observation

Travel Behavior

Planning Data Specifications

A collection of urban planning related data specifications and standards for use as part of programs & projects.

Built Environment


Planning Coding Resources

This is a curated list of Python, R, or other open-source libraries or programming tools can be useful for urban planning applications.


Python Libraries & Related Resources.


R Packages & Related Resources.


Other coding libraries & resources.

Web and JS

Front-end web related packages and resources.

Platforms and Software Resources

Software and platforms for planners.

Geospatial Data and Visualization

Urban Design Tools and Platforms

Urban Planning Tools and Platforms

Environmental and Climate Planning Tools and Platforms

Educational and Informational Resources

Collections of planning related literature, information aggregators, or similar resources.

AICP Resources

Resources pertaining to AICP certification test preparation, continuing education, and other resources.

Literature Resources

Resources linking to peer-reviewed journals or federal research aggregators of interest. These are not specific papers, but their curators. - NCHRP - The National Cooperative Highway Research Program is developed on the basis of research needs identified by chief administrators and other staff of the highway and transportation departments, by committees of AASHTO, and by FHWA. Topics of the highest merit are selected by the AASHTO Special Committee on Research and Innovation (R&I), and each year R&I’s recommendations are proposed to the AASHTO Board of Directors, the National Academies, and FHWA. - TCRP - Sponsored by the Federal Transit Administration, the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) serves as one of the principal means by which the public transportation industry can develop innovative near-term solutions to meet demands placed on it. The TCRP has an established reputation for providing useful reports and other tools to help public transportation practitioners solve problems and inform decision makers. - Planning Advisory Service (PAS) - The Planning Advisory Service (PAS) is the American Planning Association’s (APA) flagship research brand which is responsible for the following publications: PAS Reports (quarterly), PAS Memo (bimonthly), and PAS QuickNotes (bimonthly). Current publications and archives of previous issues are available for free download for APA members. - Policy Guides - Policy Guides represent APA’s official position on critical planning issues and arm planners with the tools to advocate for policies that create great communities for all.

General Planning Information and News

Other Resources

Other types of planning data & technology resources.

Other Technology Resource Aggregators

These are other aggregators that bring together different planning related tools, software, data, and related resources. They are a good source of inspiration to contribute to this repo for example, but we don’t need to duplicate efforts.


Form Based Contributions

If you don’t have a GitHub, but have a resources that falls into the categories below you would like to contribute try putting the information in this Google Sheet here. We will look at incorporating it into the repository pending review. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGp_XC5V-uIzafsVBhR4xKX9YhgNOz22w84Sg0zo0ONDdV4w/viewform?usp=sf_link

GitHub Contributions

We are actively looking for contributions from those interested in urban planning and technology. To find out more, visit the Contribution page to see our recommended format. For large contributions, file an issue first. The advantage of contributing to the repo in this manner is that your addition to this shared resource will be recorded.

License and Citation

Similar to other resources aggregators, this repository is released into CC 1.0. We do not require citation, but in order to generate more contributions for and understanding of this resource we do appreciate sharing this repository or citing it where appropriate.

If you do cite this repository you can as:

planning-technology-resources. (2020) APA Technology Division. Taken from: from https://github.com/APA-Technology-Division